12 FAQs found
Q: How to access LXP
Q: How do I register for a new account?
Q: How do I log in?
Q: I have registered for an account but have not received an email to confirm my registration
Q: I have registered for an account but cannot remember what my username is. How do I find out?
Q: I'm a contractor and I don’t have a Defence email address, who do I contact if I need help?
Q: I work for Defence (and have a Defence email address), who do I contact if I need help?
Q: I have been using LXP: Global and wish for my learning records to be available in LXP: OS, how can I do this? 
Q: Has LXP replaced Campus and Campus Anywhere?
Q: Why is it called LXP: OS, LXP: P and LXP: Global?
Q: Will stakeholder course completions in Campus Anywhere be available in LXP?
Q: Will LXP replace ADELE?

Q: How to access LXP

How to access LXP

Q: How do I register for a new account?

A: If you are a Defence stakeholder (e.g. industry partner, academics, contractors, etc.), follow the steps below:

1.    Go to the Learn eXcel Perform (LXP) webpage on your device, (found via www.defence.gov.au), and save in your favourites for future reference.

2.    On the ‘Learn eXcel Perform’ webpage, scroll down to the ‘For Defence stakeholders’ section and read the information.

3.    When you’re ready to register, click the 'LXP Global - Log in button and the Login webpage will appear.

4.    Click the ‘Create New Account’ button.

5.    On the ‘LXP: Global – Request Account' registration form, read the 'Important – please read' section, complete the registration form and click the 'Request account' button.

  • Tip: You must ensure you enter any email addresses in lower case only and check you have entered it correctly.

6.    You will receive a confirmation email to the email address you provided when requesting your new account from ‘noreplyandrogogic@androgogic.com.au’. Within the email, click the link to confirm your email address.

7.    Click ‘Continue’ and you will be redirected to the login page.

8.   Login with the username and password you chose when requesting your new account.

Q: How do I log in?

A: Follow the steps below:

1.    Navigate to the LXP Global Web Page available via the internet: LXP Global | Global LXP: Log in to the site.

2.    You will be presented with the ‘Login’ page

3.    Enter your username and password (the ones you set up when registering)

4.    You are now logged in to LXP Global.


Note: if you forget your password you can click ‘Forgot username or password?’ from the login screen

Q: I have registered for an account but have not received an email to confirm my registration

A: There are a number of pre-approved email domains that will automatically be granted accounts. It could be that your email account is not in that list. Please send a message to your Defence sponsor and they can help you with registration.

  • Please also ensure when completing the request account form, you enter your email address in lower case only and check you have entered it correctly.

Q: I have registered for an account but cannot remember what my username is. How do I find out?

A: Your username is the same as the email address you used when requesting your LXP: Global account. To find out what that was, you can click ‘Forgot username or password?’ from the login screen.

Q: I'm a contractor and I don’t have a Defence email address, who do I contact if I need help?

A: If you need help, please contact your Defence sponsor. A Defence sponsor is the Defence employee responsible for your contracted works.

Q: I work for Defence (and have a Defence email address), who do I contact if I need help?

A: LXP: Global is designed for external contractors and stakeholders who won’t ever have a Defence email address.

If you have a Defence email address, you can go to the Learn eXcel Perform webpage and review the 'Access - For Defence Personnel' area.

Q: I have been using LXP: Global and wish for my learning records to be available in LXP: OS, how can I do this? 

A: Learning records cannot be migrated between LXP instances.

Q: Has LXP replaced Campus and Campus Anywhere?

A: Yes, the LXP suite of applications has replaced Campus and Campus Anywhere. There will be three instances of LXP:

 1.       LXP: OS (Official: Sensitive) is available from inside and outside the Defence network. It contains courses up to the Official: Sensitive classification. All Defence personnel and contractors with a Defence email address will be automatically provided an account in LXP: OS.

 2.       LXP: P (Protected) will be launched in the coming months to provide for any Protected content and to ensure the security of our data integrations and transfers. All Defence personnel and contractors with a Defence email address will be automatically provided an account in LXP: P. Access will be restricted to the Defence Protected Network (DPN).

Records will be synchronised between LXP: OS and LXP:P.

3.        LXP: Global contains limited courses at the ‘Official’ classification. This instance is designed to support all users external to Defence without a Defence email address. This includes academic partners, contractors and DISP members. 

Records from LXP: Global will not be synchronised with the other LXP platforms.

Q: Why is it called LXP: OS, LXP: P and LXP: Global?

A: The different abbreviated names help to differentiate between the different instances. This helps to understand the classification of course content and where to access each instance.

Important: Learning records cannot be migrated between LXP instances. 

Q: Will stakeholder course completions in Campus Anywhere be available in LXP?

A. Stakeholders without a DPE account (and won’t ever have one) who will be using LXP: Global may have completed courses in ‘Campus Anywhere’. This data will only be retained for auditing requests via submission of the AF143 Campus Report Request (from the Forms Portal).

Q: Will LXP replace ADELE?

A: No, the changes affect Campus and Campus Anywhere only. There is no planned change to ADELE.

Some courses that have previously been available in ADELE will be moved to LXP due to the compatible functionality. This will assist team members in locating corporate enterprise-level training all in one place.